Thursday, March 11, 2010

Win some, learn some.

Being vulnerable means leaving yourself open, or susceptible to physical or emotional harm. Being vulnerable is not something most people do well, if at all. Today me and a good friend of mine were chatting away about how "nothing ventured, nothing gained" which is probably one of the best phrases to live by. If we never let ourselves open up to others and actually take the chance of being vulnerable, we would never know friendship, compassion, love, etc. I will be the first person to stand up and say relationships or relation-shits are for the birds, not my cup of tea. However, without actually trying to find some sort of companionship in another, you more than likely become bitter, or very outlandish, to others that is. You may not ever notice it because it becomes you, becomes a habit just as quickly as smoking cigarettes does. Sometimes, you have to allow yourself to be vulnerable. You have to allow yourself to open up, and even if you are given the classic 'run around', it doesn't mean you failed, it means you were just looking in the wrong place for what you, personally need. You can either allow things to stay inside, or you can let them out. Either way sitting on the sidelines waiting for someone you have interest in to read your mind won't happen. Win some, learn some. No such thing as losing, just learning. As I said....Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Here's a quick sketch I did in the moment. One of the fingers is a little off, but if you can see it from my perspective, AWESOMEEEEE. If not, whatever, next time. haha.

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Shelby Kirchoff