Sunday, January 24, 2010


I say anti-everything openly, because we live in a world where everything is black or white. Well, not EVERYTHING per se, but most everything. We are all grouped into yays and nays, smokers and non smokers, lovers and fighters, etc. We are so obsessed with taking a stand and refusing to see the opposition of the issue, we close our minds to the other side of things. It's as though we live by some rule saying: if we don't recognize something, it can't exist in our system of belief. This is completely and utterly, untrue, and not to mention a horrid way of seeing things. The older I get, the more I realize how boring life is getting. Almost as though we live in an anti-fun society. But this is not the truth at all, this is merely my perception of aging. But you know what, I don't care. I do not care one bit how old I get, I refuse to stop having fun. I refuse to try my hardest to grow up, where's the fun in that? HAHA. There isn't any.
I have recently been feeling as though I am so many steps behind everyone I know. As though I am failing at this retched game of life, but now I realize...I'm not. I am on the path that is right for me, and me alone. Those who feel that they should wave their education in others faces, or money, or whatever in people's faces...they are the least mature. They are the ones who will pay dearly for their gloating pride that they carry like a billboard across their foreheads. I don't get it, I don't understand why so many people think their happiness will come with money, time, romance, education, etc. And if they are so "happy" about their lives, why do they feel the need to show it to others and seek approval? I guess it's human nature. But I don't think telling someone all that I have and making them see what they do not have will make me feel any better or less about it. If you have something, telling others about it will not make it any greater, it is still going to be $5,000 dollars if you tell someone you have it, it doesn't go up in value for every person you boast to, does it? No, so why do we gloat? Well because we want someone to pat us on the back and say, "yes all your hardwork or Daddy's good job has paid off". SO WHAT?
Our problem is, we're human, and as humans we want someone, anyone to make us feel like we're doing the RIGHT things. However, as long as what you have makes you feel good, don't rub it in others faces; that makes you look like a fool.
In conclusion, my point of the day is this....Stop searching for that approval from your family, friends, boyfriend, etc, seriously. Just take a step back and realize that everything you do is for you, no one else. If others think whatever you have or do is awesome, That's just a bonus. But I urge you, stop trying to live a rigid life of perfection in order to please someone else. Don't eliminate fun because you feel the need to grow up, half the fun of growing up is enjoying your life, for YOU. Today I want you to have fun, do one thing that you love doing even if people don't agree with it, do it for you. Because after all, everyone else is looking out for themselves, why shouldn't you?

1 comment:

Shelby Kirchoff